Expectations for Enrolling Students

What Every ATYP Student Should Know

Because ATYP classes meet only one day per week, attendance at every class is essential. Each class covers content that is at least equivalent to a week of regular school classes. The fast pace of instruction, necessary to provide sufficient challenge and depth of understanding, results in each student learning more than a year's content by the end of each semester. Further, each class session builds upon the content material of the previous session; therefore, missing a class leaves a considerable gap in the student’s knowledge base. To meet all learning expectations, we ask students who enroll in ATYP (and their families) to understand the following expectations regarding attendance and homework:

  • Class attendance is expected at every class. If you are very ill, you should not come to class. You, or your family, must notify the instructor or the ATYP office at atyp-info@wmich.edu or (269) 387-3553 of your absence prior to class. Please do not just send the message with a friend. Please do not schedule appointments for the student during class time.
  • ATYP students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately as guests of the campus. Inappropriate conduct is unacceptable and repeated incidents will likely result in dismissal from ATYP. See the ATYP Code of Conduct for specific requirements.
  • Parents are responsible for dropping off and picking up students on time. Most often, parents form carpools and a few districts voluntarily provide transportation to the campus. Additionally, parents are expected to pick up students promptly after class. ATYP students should not be left for long periods of time on campus while waiting for their ride home. (Students are not supervised before 1 p.m., so please do not drop them off any earlier.) Students not picked up by 4:15 will be taken to the ATYP office to contact a parent. Please see the Safety Policies and Procedures sheet for the full policy.
  • To ensure your safety: If you are not in class by 1:40 p.m. and have not checked in with your teacher or the ATYP office, your family will receive a phone call to determine your status. Please make sure your contact information on file is up to date.
  • Each class covers one week of material, so missing multiple consecutive classes causes great difficulty in keeping up. This would be equal to missing two or three weeks of schoolwork, and it would be very difficult for all but the most determined student to make up the work. After missing two consecutive classes, the ATYP staff will contact your home to make sure that ATYP is the correct placement for you.
  • Family vacations should be planned during regular school vacations (i.e., winter and spring breaks). Extending family vacations into the week before or after the break is not fair to the student who is already greatly challenged by attending this accelerated class, and will likely result in the student falling behind. Also, please note that the ATYP calendar and the school calendar for certain schools do not always align. Please double check these calendars for details.
  • Homework must be turned in on time. If you are not in class, it is your responsibility to get your homework to the teacher. Whether you must email or drop off the work that was due for the class you’ve missed is at the instructor’s discretion; it is also your responsibility to obtain accurate details about the next week's assignment and bring it, completed, to the next class session.
  • All assignments add to student knowledge and must be handed in each week. Two or more missed assignments jeopardize your understanding of the material. Students sometimes underestimate the purpose, seriousness, and importance of homework in ATYP classes. You should think carefully about why you have decided to commit to this class and how you will complete the assignments on time. This will likely mean learning new habits about managing study time. During the first few weeks, parents are asked to ensure that their students have completed all homework assignments and have them ready to turn in on class day. Helping them to establish this as a routine is an essential part of the process.
  • Time management is an important skill for students to learn. Students should time themselves when doing homework so that planning their time becomes more accurate. Parents should monitor their student periodically to determine if the student is being distracted by outside influences, especially cell phones.
  • Students may use the computer labs on campus with their WMU ID. Please be advised that there are no filters on the computers and the students will have complete internet access. If you allow your student access to the computers on campus, please provide supervision or counseling to have a safe experience on the internet. Computer lab staff will not act as monitors.
  • If an assignment is difficult for you, help is available. It is your responsibility, however, to take the initiative to work through your dilemma or confusion with someone: your instructor, a student assistant, a fellow student, or occasionally, a mentor with content expertise. Weekend help sessions are available for all classes. One of the most important lessons you can learn from ATYP is a sense of when to ask for help and when to push yourself to find an answer.
  • The first 6 weeks of the class are a probationary period for us as well as for you to see if you and the class are a good match. By the end of this time, we will decide, usually mutually, whether you will likely succeed with the ATYP class or should return to the most appropriate class in your school. Finding out that ATYP is not a good match does not mean that you fail or are not smart. It just means that you need a different kind of challenge in your schooling.
  • You will experience a time of adjustment during the first few weeks of ATYP. Discuss your feelings about ATYP with your parents or teacher. Questioning your abilities is a natural outcome of being challenged. Talk with someone about how you might deal successfully with your concerns. If the questioning feeling remains intense, talk to your teacher or an ATYP staff person to determine a way to manage these issues.

You are capable of rising to the challenge of ATYP and meeting each of these expectations. By attending ATYP you will be pushing your cognitive abilities in a way you may never have experienced. Most of our students find the challenge fun, and interacting with other students who think the same way to be a life-changing experience. Here’s to a great start and a wonderful school year!