Photo Release and Code of Conduct

Please fill out the information below and sign that you have read and agree to abide by the Code of Conduct and let us know if you agree to the photo release.

Camp(s) Attending: (required)
In case of an emergency, please notify the person named here at the phone number listed.

ATYP Summer Program Code of Conduct

Summer program registrants are representatives of the program at their schools, at the university, and in the community. As such, they are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, particularly while on campus. Please read the following statements carefully. When you sign the registration form, you are agreeing to these principles:

  •  I will make every effort to be present and on time for each class.
  • I will make sure that I have all the appropriate materials that I need and I will be ready to work at the designated time.
  • I will keep cell phones, tablets, and mp3 players put away while in class. Laptops will be out only when approved by instructor.
  • I will treat all university property with respect. I will clean up after myself and bring all trash to the receptacles outside the classroom.
  • I will act appropriately and courteously at all times while on campus. I will use school appropriate language and behavior as well as keeping my hands, feet, and other objects to myself.
  • I will address other students, instructors, and staff respectfully. I will listen with the same respect, understanding that the opinions of others are equally valid. I will offer only positive comments and avoid negative stereotypes.
  • I will be tolerant of others especially where it involves race, religion, sexual orientation, disability status, gender, age, or ethnic background.
  • I will follow all University, classroom, and instructor rules.
  • I understand that failure to comply by these rules may result in my being asked to leave the program. (Refunds are not given for students asked to leave due to non-compliance.)

Media, Photo and Video Authorization

I understand that during the course of my child’s participation in the above-referenced activity (the "Program"), that the Program and/or those acting with the Program’s permission or authority, may capture my child’s name, likeness, image, or voice in photographic, audio, video, digital or other recording forms (“Recordings”).   I give my permission for the Program to use those recordings or works produced by my child (e.g., art work) for promotional, commercial, informational, and educational purposes in any and all media (including the Internet) now existing or hereafter devised, for any purpose consistent with the Program’s mission.   I understand that I will not have an opportunity to review or approve uses of the Recordings or Works. 

I recognize that the Program, through the Board of Trustees of Western Michigan University (“University”), holds the copyright in all Recordings.  I understand that neither my child nor I will receive payment or any other compensation for the taking or use of any Recordings or Works created as a result of my child’s participation in the Program.

I release, indemnify and hold harmless the University from and against all liability, actions, debts, claims and demands of every kind whatsoever to the taking or use of the Recordings or Works of my child.

Signatures Relationship to Student (required)
Media Release Decision (required)
By selecting Yes below you are giving permission to the Program to take or use your child's name, likeness, image, or voice in any form or to use work produced by child for any reason unless necessary for the administration of the Program while your child is participating in the Program. Selecting no does not grant permission for that.