Fellowships for Arts and Humanities
High quality research in the humanities as well as high-level artistic creation requires special kinds of support—of time (which requires money), and often, of being in a particular space. For scholars of literature, history, religion, and other disciplines, this can mean extended time in an archive or special collection, as well as support for collecting data and writing narrative. For social scientists, this may mean time with particular people in a particular location, collecting ethnographic data or perhaps developing and administering surveys with both quantitative and qualitative aspects. For artists, coming up with ideas, developing those ideas, iterating those ideas, and then moving towards a final version of the idea, requires time, space, collaborators, specialized tools and instruments, or a range of other things.
Funding for humanities scholarship and arts creation often comes in the form of fellowships (NEH, ACLS, Guggenheim, etc) and residencies (NHC, Folger, Camargo, etc). Contact your Research Program Officer to discuss resources from WMU.
NEH Summer Stipend
National Endowment for the Arts
American Council of Learned Societies
Check out this list of other fellowships:
For artist residencies, this is an excellent summary page with links to search engines: