Working With Slides and Slideshows

A slide is an image that can be overlaid with a title, caption and button.  A slideshow allows multiple slides to be cycled through at the top of one or more pages.  Only managers can create slides and slideshows.  

How to create a slide

  1. Click on Add Content in the administration menu and click on Slide.

  2. Enter a Slide Title. This will be used to identify the slide so that it can be added to a slideshow. It may also be displayed above the caption in a larger font.

  3. Choose the Section to which this slide belongs.

  4. Press the Choose File button to select the required Image, then press the Upload button and provide the Alternate text.

  5. Check Include title in caption if the Slide Title provided earlier should be displayed with the caption as well.

  6. Enter a Caption, if desired.

  7. Provide a Link Title and URL as a link destination for the caption of the Image.

  8. Select a Color for the button that will be created.

  9. Press the Save button at the bottom of the page.

How to create a slideshow

  1. Click on Add Content in the administration menu and click on Slideshow.

  2. Enter a Title.  This is only used to identify this slideshow and not publicly displayed anywhere.

  3. Choose the Section to which this slideshow belongs.

  4. To add Slides to the slideshow, begin typing their titles in the boxes provided and select the slide when found.

  5. In the Show On field, begin typing the title of a page and select the page when found.  Press the Add another item button to add additional pages.

  6. Press the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Things worth mentioning

  • Putting text into graphics is highly discouraged, having significant drawbacks for search engine optimization and screen readers.

  • The Image for slides should be uploaded at the highest resolution possible, between 640x480 pixels and 3840x2160 pixels, but less than 4MB in size.  It will be cropped to a 16:9 aspect ratio so be diligent in using the crosshair to designate the focal point.

  • Slide Title and Caption should be written in news case, capitalizing only the first word and proper nouns.
  • The Slides added to a slideshow must be in the same Section as the slideshow.

  • The Show On pages added to a slideshow must be in the same Section as the slideshow.