Office of Marketing and Strategic Communications
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5433 USA
(269) 387-8400
Web Section Names

Example of the section name region
Individual sites (such as the president's office website) within the Western Michigan University website, managed by different units or departments, are known as sections in the CMS. When viewing a page in the CMS, the name of the section is displayed in a banner just below the header.
When requesting a new section, follow the guidelines below when choosing the section name.
Do not use ampersands (&), ALL CAPS, abbreviations or initials in section names.
Omit center for, department of, office of
Some office and department names are very long. For consistency, the following should not be included as part of any section name.
Do not include
Center for
Department of
Division of
Institute for
Office of
Office of the Vice President for
The only exceptions are College of, School of, named units, and those cases in which omitting "office of" would misrepresent the section. Office of the President is the section for the office, not the person.
Examples of exceptions
College of Fine Arts
Haenicke Institute for Global Education
Office of the President
For most sections, "WMU" or "Western Michigan University" should be omitted from the section name as well. Some exceptions include WMU News, About WMU, Visit WMU and other sections where omitting it may misrepresent the section or confuse the visitor.
Last name only
Use only the last name of the person for units named for people.
Use Lee Honors College, not Carl E and Winifred Lee Honors College.
Use Frostic School of Art, not Gwen Frostic School of Art.
Use McGinnis Reading Center and Clinic.
Use Walker Institute for the Study of Race and Ethic Relations.
It is acceptable and advisable to include the full, formal name on first reference in body text on the section's home page.