Student Goals
Our faculty have developed the curriculum with specific outcome objectives. You initially meet with your advisor during orientation, the summer prior to your first year. Your advisor helps you schedule your first-semester classes and will help you stay on track through graduation.
Transfer students meet with an advisor during the transfer advising program. You should plan to meet with your advisor at least once each semester throughout your enrollment at Western Michigan University.
- Consider 10-15 work hours per week. The number of hours you work depends on the number of credit hours you carry and the expectations of your professors.
- Consider 12-15 credit hours during your first semester. You can discuss the rigors and expectations of your schedule with your advisor and make wise decisions.
The registrar's office maintains the official academic calendar.
First-year students
- Consider attending events designed to help you get to know the college. These events offer students unique opportunities to meet members of student organizations and to get to know features of the college. Follow the college calendar, Twitter @hcob or the college's Facebook page to learn about upcoming events.
- Meet with an academic advisor each semester to outline your courses for upcoming enrollments.
- Follow the pre-business administration curriculum outline to prepare for application to the Bachelor of Business Administration upper-level courses in your sophomore year.
Helping students stay on track to graduation is the primary mission of academic advisors. Make an appointment with an advisor every semester.
- Apply to the B.B.A. program during September if you are finishing the pre-business core courses during fall semester. Apply in January if you are finishing the pre-business core courses during spring semester or summer I or summer II sessions.
Once you have been admitted to the B.B.A. program, you will receive an invitation to attend a B.B.A. orientation session. You are required to attend this orientation session where you will meet a faculty member from your major. At this event each student will receive a major slip.
Once you have been admitted to the B.B.A. program you must also meet with an advisor during the semester to receive your official curriculum guide. This curriculum guide will inform you of all remaining requirements for graduation.
- Retain your copy of the major slip and curriculum guide for your records.
- The advising office will retain the original major slip where it will be available for your graduation audit.
- Make an appointment to complete your graduation audit with an academic advisor one year prior to graduation.
- You must have completed your curriculum guide and obtained your major or minor slips to complete a graduation audit.
- As graduation approaches, students must meet with an academic advisor and complete a graduation audit. You are responsible for turning your graduation audit application in to the registrar's office. The graduation application fee may be applied to your student account.
Deadlines for graduation audits:
Graduation date Audit deadline April Dec. 1 June Feb. 1 August Feb. 1 December Aug. 1