Avery Green, B.B.A.’18, B.S.’19
Multifaceted Marketer
Regional Marketing Lead, Slalom
Avery Green is a Swiss Army knife of marketing, flexing multiple skills in his position as regional marketing lead for Slalom’s central region. He currently oversees all marketing efforts for the Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee markets. In this role, he sets the overall marketing strategy and budgets for his region.
On any given day, Green may be creating a digital marketing campaign, planning account-based marketing, running events, designing a sales enablement strategy or donning a project manager hat. These varied responsibilities keep his skills sharp and fuel his creativity. His favorite annual marketing activity is Slalom’s International Women’s Day event, which attracts over 300 business leaders from around Michigan and spotlights outstanding women executive leaders from top companies in the state.
As an LGBTQ+ advocate, Green is currently one of the global leads for Slalom’s Prism employee resource group, which supports LGBTQ+ employees. The Prism leadership team oversees Slalom’s annual Pride celebration and their involvement at World Pride, with Green attending and leading events in Sydney, Australia in 2023. He is also on the board for Out in Tech Detroit, whose mission is to connect Michigan’s LGBTQ+ tech leaders and aid job seekers. He’s also an active volunteer with the Ruth Ellis Center, Affirmations and Stonewall Sports.
Funniest Work Experience:
“When I confidently went up on stage at our company holiday party to show off my singing skills and blanked on all the words!”