Banner of Lauren Martin for The 30

Lauren Martin, B.B.A.’14, M.S.A.’15

Resolute Recruiter

Campus Recruiting Consultant, Plante Moran

Lauren Martin doesn‘t shy away from adventure as evident in her varied career. Martin started her career at Plante Moran in January 2016 as a staff auditor on the assurance team. Within her first year at the firm, she obtained her Certified Public Accountant license after completing the required 2,000 hours of professional accounting experience. After two years, she was promoted to senior auditor. 

In this new position, Martin started to specialize in the health care industry. In July 2021, she was promoted to audit manager and co-led the scheduling efforts for the Grand Rapids audit staff. After seven busy seasons in audit, Martin transitioned to her current role on the human resources team as a senior consultant for the campus recruiting team. In this role, she oversees the campus recruiting efforts at nine universities, including Western Michigan University. 

Martin is passionate about her work as she gets to connect with students and help them navigate their career paths, guiding them through the opportunities within professional services and seeing them grow into successful professionals. Martin‘s unique and effective recruiting approach is a testament to her wide scope of professional positions and her passion for her career. 

Favorite Kalamazoo Attraction: 

“My favorite spot in Kalamazoo is Shakespeare‘s Pub downtown. They have popcorn (my favorite snack) and the BEST nachos I‘ve ever had. Trust me, if you order the nachos, you will not be disappointed!”