Photo of Jasmine Scott wearing a black blouse with The 30 graphics behind

Jasmine Scott, B.B.A.’15

Bold Brand Builder

Brand Building Learning Manager, General Mills

Jasmine Scott is a seasoned professional having spent eight years of her marketing career working on iconic brands such as Betty Crocker, Blue Buffalo, Gold Medal and Pillsbury at General Mills. She knows her way around the aisles with her expertise spanning brand strategy development, profit and loss management and new product innovation. Most recently, she was a part of the team that brought the Betty Crocker x Wicked collaboration to life in stores—featuring color-changing baking kits and defying expectations with over two billion consumer impressions, numerous viral TikToks and a mention in Adweek. 

Scott’s career has literally been cupcakes and rainbows with a good mix of enhancing brand capabilities, leading teammates and upskilling talent in her role as brand building learning manager. Another proud accomplishment is being president of General Mills’ Betty’s Family Network (LGBTQ+) and leading a team of 32 employees in progressing LGBTQ+ inclusive practices at the company.

She has a Bachelor of Business Administration in marketing from WMU Haworth and an MBA from Emory University. A top chef in her own right, it makes sense that she stirs up the most complicated recipes the NYT Cooking app has to offer while sifting in quality time with her partner Alex and their two dogs. 

Funniest Work Experience: 

“I accidentally let it slip that I know how to sing (I started as a music major at Western) and ended up being voluntold by my group president that I would be singing the National Anthem for 500 of my coworkers at an annual sales meeting. It wasn’t that funny at the time, but now I reflect on it and can’t help but laugh at what an odd ‘work accomplishment’ that is.”