Lashae Simmons II, B.B.A.'15
Simmons found a support system at WMU that inspired her and encouraged her success. She calls these individuals her “village.” Now, she is using her expertise to help others with similar backgrounds find their own villages and achieve greatness.

Luis Perez, B.B.A.'18
Perez has been motivated by a single purpose since entering the business world—make a positive impact using technology. It’s this mantra that sparked the idea to start his own company, Loop Coding Center, while also taking on a full-time role as applications engineer for Steelcase.

Michael Schwandt, B.B.A.'13
As an expert in supply chain management, Schwandt has always found his work to be rewarding. But he never imagined that in 2020—a year that would change everything—his expertise would save lives.

Lauren Hillsburg, B.B.A.'18
Hillsburg challenges anyone to come up with a better food pairing than peanut butter and bacon. As customer executive for Hormel Foods, she manages brands at Safeway in Denver, Colorado, and loves cooking up tasty combinations to share with buyers.

Joy Martinez, MBA'10
Whether it’s in her current role as marketing program director at Spirion or through mentoring others as a personal strengths coach, Martinez has a genuine talent for inspiring excellence.

Aaron Coney B.B.A.'12
Coney built a career as an in-house designer for companies like Disney, Fox and Dash Radio before launching his own creative marketing and management company, Hustle Matters.