Arts and Sciences Chemistry Major
This major in the Department of Chemistry at Western Michigan University is designed for students interested in graduate studies in chemistry. It can be taken by students intending on going into the chemical industry following graduation. However, the preferred degree for seeking employment in the chemical industry is the American Chemical Society Certified Degree.
In addition to the chemistry courses listed below, an arts and sciences major must complete Math 1220, 1230, 2720, and Phys 2050, 2060, 2070, 2080. Catalog listing.
This chemistry major must include a minimum of 35 chemistry credit hours as follows:
- CHEM 1100/1110: General Chemistry I
- CHEM 1120/1130: General Chemistry II
- CHEM 3750/3760: Organic Chemistry I
- CHEM 3770/3780: Organic Chemistry II
- CHEM 2250/2260: Quantitative Analysis
- CHEM 4300: Physical Chemistry I and CHEM 4310: Physical Chemistry II
- CHEM 4360: Physical Chemistry Laboratory I and CHEM 4370: Physical Chemistry Laboratory II
- Two additional 500-level elective from from different areas
- CHEM 5070: Ethical Chemical Practice
- CHEM 5150: Inorganic Chemistry (inorganic)
- CHEM 5200: Instrumental Methods (analytical)
- CHEM 5280: Chemical Separations (analytical)
- CHEM 5500: Biochemistry I (biochemistry)
- CHEM 5700: Advanced Organic Chemistry and Spectroscopy (organic)
- CHEM 5750: Advanced Chemical Synthesis (organic)