
Table cover with chemistry cards and balls
The Department of Chemistry at Western Michigan University offers student-centered teaching, state-of-the-art teaching facilities, modern instrumentation, and faculty with diverse ranges of interests and research. All chemistry courses are taught by professors and will help prepare you for for a variety of careers.

The department offers degree programs for students interested in:

  • Coursework suitable for a future related to business and sales within industrial chemistry.
  • Careers in academia.
  • Pursuing graduate studies and jobs in the laboratory and government.


The Department of Chemistry offers several majors, including secondary education (for students desiring to teach chemistry curriculum at the secondary level), as well as a minor in chemistry and a teaching minor.

Majors and minors


The Department of Chemistry at Western Michigan University offers graduate programs that provide a broad background in chemical sciences while providing opportunities for students to work closely with faculty mentors.

Graduate programs

Chemistry enrollment

Enrollment Assistance

  • If you are currently taking a pre-requisite at another college of university, or plan to before the semester for which you would like to register, please email with your name and WIN, as well as the semester, course number and associated CRNs for each course.
  • Some students receive enrollment errors while attempting to register for classes even when they have satisfied the prerequisites. This is due to the requirement of registering for the lecture and lab simultaneously. The following procedure should eliminate most issues:
  1. When in the registration menu select course offerings.
  2. Find the lecture that you would like to take and select ADD TO WORKSHEET
  3. Find the lab that you would like to take and select ADD TO WORKSHEET
  4. Once both lecture and lab have been added to your worksheet, select SUBMIT CHANGES and both courses will be added to your schedule.

We will not waive a pre-requisite for any reason.

If you are still receiving an error please email with your name and WIN as well as the semester, course number and associated CRNs for each course.


Students may find assistance for chemistry courses from student success resources coordinated by the College of Arts and Sciences.

The following sites and resources represent chemists.


Contact an advisor.