
Hundreds of individuals have generously given to the Department of Chemistry at Western Michigan University. Several of these donors have established endowments to support school activities, faculty research, teaching development, student scholarships and student travel.
Gifts and donations make possible the extra margin of excellence in our program. Your donations help us attract and keep top faculty and support students.
You can designate your gifts to:
- Assist in the continued development of the Chemistry Education Resource Center.
- Support any of our academic divisions or specific research teams.
- Provide scholarships to undergraduates or graduate students.
- Help our department expand and develop new educational programs to better serve our students' needs.
Fellowships and scholarships acknowledge outstanding chemistry students and provide assistance in their studies.
Buy an Element

Donors to the fund are recognized by a plaque that appears by the element sponsored on the tile mural in the main floor lobby of the Chemistry Building. Buy an element.