
Custer Speaker Series

Posted by Liz VandenHeede for College of Engineering and Applied Sciences

For the next event in our Custer Speaker Series, we will host Dr. Rong Chen, P.E., energy storage technical specialist at CSA Group. His presentation is titled “Overview of Battery Standard and Certification for Battery Energy Storage System.”

With the rapid growth of the global battery market has come increased need for and focus on battery safety and liability for battery developers, manufacturers and assemblers. In Chen’s talk, he will present an overview of battery standard and certification programs, as well as how these programs ensure the safety and liability of the global Battery Energy Storage System (BESS).

Visit wmich.edu/engineer/custerseries for more information about this presentation. The Custer Speaker Series is hosted by the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

Friday, March 31, 2023
10 to 11:15 a.m.
D-132 Parkview Room, Floyd Hall
Parkview Campus
Kalamazoo, MI 49008 US