CoreKids K-12 Outreach

The fundamental mission of CoreKids, the Michigan Geological Repository for Research and Education’s K-12 outreach program, is to increase awareness and understanding of the earth, its processes and its natural resources. The rock samples and data archived at MGRRE, as well as the many research interests of the faculty, provide a rich environment for developing inquiry-based hands-on displays and activities. These resources enable K-12 students and their teachers to visualize what lies beneath their feet, often in their local area.

CoreKids outreach programs include coordinating scientists’ visits to schools and community events, field trips to MGRRE, internships for high school students and K-12 teacher workshops. Dr. Peter Voice, director of CoreKids, has developed several modules regarding: geologic history, groundwater, geologic hazards to shale energy and hydraulic fracturing. Through this program, we aim not only to excite students about earth resources by relating them to their daily lives, but also to inspire some of them to think about the geosciences as a possible career choice.