Multimedia Arts Technology

The Irving S. Gilmore School of Music at Western Michigan University offers a Bachelor of Science in multimedia arts technology.

The School of Music’s multimedia arts technology is colloquially known as MAT program. The MAT program offers training in digital media arts integral to producing and creating cultural products in contemporary society. The program provides students with hands-on experience in audio engineering, creative projects with digital media, live sound reinforcement and computer programming.

The program provides the flexibility for individual students to pursue their own goals, while providing core concepts and skills that form the basis for success in various industries. Each student receives direct faculty oversight in the conceptualization and creation of a culminating project unique to their skills, interests and goals. 

  • Degree Requirements

    The Bachelor of Science in Multimedia Arts Technology requires a minimum of 106 credits, with 65% of coursework within the School of Music, and 35% in general studies. Students are required to select a minor or a second major in outside study. School of Music coursework includes:

    • Audio technology, recording, and programming
    • Electronic music techniques
    • Effects processing
    • Digital video concepts
    • Music performance
    • Music theory
    • Composition
  • Curriculum Guide
  • Application and Audition Requirements

    Here's how to apply for the multimedia arts technology program:

    1. Submit applications to both WMU and the School of Music, following the instructions listed on the Apply page.
    2. Schedule an interview on a New Student Admissions Day (dates listed on the Apply page)
    3. Prepare for your interview following the guidelines for your program.