Patricia Montilla
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Avenue
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5338 USA

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 11 a.m. to noon
via Zoom, Webex and in person
- Ph.D., University of Chicago
Dr. Patricia Montilla is an associate professor of Spanish in the Department of Spanish at Western Michigan University.
Montilla specializes in Spanish American poetry and U.S. Latino literature and culture. She has published articles on the works of Oliverio Girondo, Matías Montes Huidobro, Judith Ortiz Cofer, Carlota Caulfield, Mariano Brull, and Eugenio Florit. She authored a book, "Parody and the Poetics of Subversion in Oliverio Girondo," as well as a panoramic study on contemporary Puerto Rican literature of the United States for a companion to U.S. Latino letters. Most recently, Montilla edited a book titled "Latinos and American Popular Culture" for Praeger. She serves the department as faculty director of the undergraduate study abroad program in Quito, Ecuador.
Montilla is the recipient of a 2016-17 College of Arts and Sciences’ Faculty Achievement Award in Global Engagement.