
The Department of Spanish at Western Michigan University hosts many events throughout the year.


Mesa española / Spanish table

Mesa española/Spanish table

Tutorías de español / Free Spanish tutoring
Tutorías de español / Free Spanish tutoring

Spanish Club @ WMU
Spanish Club @ WMU

Upcoming Events 

Department Video Contest

Coming soon! Past information below.

See the rules for submission. 

Department Writing Contest

Coming soon! Past information below.

See the rules for submission. 

Past Events

Presentation by Nicaraguan human rights activist Tamara Dávila on Thurs., March 21, 3 p.m., 3025 Brown Hall 


The Department of Spanish presents Tamara Dávila Rivas, a Nicaraguan human rights activist, feminist and political leader. She is currently a Human Rights Fellow at the Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership at Kalamazoo College. Ms. Dávila Rivas has committed herself to the civic struggle for justice, freedom and democracy in Nicaragua and will be speaking on our responsibility to stay engaged in our political and social causes with the goal of upholding our democratic principles and our freedoms. Her talk, titled "La esperanza es un deber político" (Hope Is a Political Duty) will be in Spanish and open to the public. Light food and refreshments will be available.

Tamara Dávila talk flyer

Talk by Spanish alum and airline pilot, Capt. Greg Sumner on Wed., February 28, 3 p.m., 3025 Brown Hall


The Department of Spanish welcomes Captain Gregory Sumner, WMU alumn and benefactor. Capt. Sumner, who graduated from WMU in 1994 with degrees in Spanish and Aviation, will speak to our students about the value of a Spanish degree. His talk, titled "¿Por qué estudiar español? Why Study Spanish," will include valuable information about Capt. Sumner's career after graduating from WMU and advice for students on the transition from WMU to the workplace. Capt. Sumner is a pilot with United Airlines, flying 737 and 767 airplanes. He has been a leader with the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) and visits Washington, D.C. frequently on his advocacy role for the airline industry and the pilots union.

Capt. Sumner Talk flyer

Peace Lecture by Univ. of Michigan Professor on Thurs. October 26, 2023, 6 p.m., Fetzer Center, Putney Auditorium


The Department of Spanish is proud to co-sponsor The Center for the Study of Ethics in Society's Peace Lecture by Professor Edgar Franco-Vivanco. Prof. Franco-Vivanco, whose talk is titled "Between Violence and Resistance: The Challenges of Latin America in the 21st Century," holds a PhD from Stanford University and is an assistant professor of Political Science at the University of Michigan. He has received awards for his work on the long-term legacies of colonialism in Latin America and the resistance movements by its indigenous populations.

2023 Peace Lecture flyer

Visit and Talk by 2023-24 Alumni Achievement Award recipient, Mr. Julián Ramírez Torres, on Tues. Nov. 7, 12 p.m., University Center for the Humanities, 2500 Knauss Hall


Julián Ramírez Torres was a first-generation TRIO college student at WMU graduating in 2012 with degrees in Spanish and Secondary Education. After years as a teacher, he began his career in school administration. Today, he is the Principal at the dual-language Southwest Middle High School-Academia Bilingüe (7-12) in Grand Rapids. Mr. Ramírez Torres is also a member of the U.S. Army Reserves, having served two years in Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. He has received numerous awards and medals for his service.

Come join us at Mr. Ramírez Torres' talk on the benefits of a Spanish degree.

Julián Ramírez Torres presentation flyer

 Spring 2023 Honors and Awards


The Department of Spanish is delighted to present the list of our Spring 2023 Honors and Awards recipients, featuring all the students who have won scholarships and awards. We are proud of you and hope you enjoy sharing the PowerPoint with your friends and family. ¡Enhorabuena!

 Visit and Talk by alumna Isabel López Slattery - Friday, Feb. 3, 2023, 12-1 p.m., 2028 Brown




Isabel studied Spanish and Communications at WMU between 2006 and 2011. She now owns her own successful photography and communications company, Isabel Media Studios, located in Grand Rapids.

Come and learn what a degree in Spanish can do for you!

"How Spanish Unlocks a World of Adventure" poster

OTHER Past Events

Department Video Contest for spring 2019...stay tuned.

Teatro Nuestro of Battle Creek performance of "El Nombre" by Griselda Gamaro | March 15 |
2 p.m. | 1028 Brown Hall

This performance, followed by a conversation with Director Tania Fleitas, is free and open to the public.

Video Contest

Video Contest Wednesday, March 20, 4:00 p.m. | 1028 Brown Hall 

Film Festival

Hispanic Film Festival | March 18, 19, 20, and 21 | 1028 Brown Hall | Information will soon be posted here.

Honors and Awards Ceremony 2019

Friday, April 5, 3 to 5 p.m. 
Bernhard Center Rooms 208 and 209

Honors and Awards Ceremony 2018

See photo gallery from the ceremony.

Dr. Felkel's Retirement

See photo gallery from the retirement party.

In Memory of Michael Braun

Continue reading here for more information.

Altar De Muertos - Día de los muertos

October 27 to November 8 | 2nd Floor Waldo Library | Information Here
El día de los muertos is associated with Mexico, but this holiday is celebrated most in Latin America.

Film Festival

Hispanic Film Festival | November 6 and 8 | 1025 Brown Hall | Continue reading here for more information.