General Blog

WMU Aviation Management and Flight Student Matthew Wietstock

Managing Matthew Wietstock: Pursuing a Career in Operations through Flight

Posted by Tom Thinnes on

Matthew Wietstock is not your typical pilot. His approach to higher education, which initially featured a music-composition major at Western Michigan University, is a bit backward. Double majors in the College of Aviation are not that unusual, but Wietstock's prime path leads to a degree in aviation management and operations and then one in aviation flight science. Peers normally reverse that plan.

WMu Aviation Flight Science Student Makenna Staudacher

Makenna Staudacher – Freshmen, Family and Finding Aviation Gold at WMU

Posted by Tom Thinnes on

"My family is full of pilots," says the aviation flight science major. "I was always at the airport as a kid. I have been around airplanes my entire life and soloed on my 16th birthday." Hailing from Midland, where Michigan's fabled "thumb" attaches to the rest of the mitten, her choice of WMU as her future in higher education was predictable. "My grandparents went to Western and my cousin -- Jeremy Hierholzer -- is on the aviation faculty," she says.

WMU Aviation Flight and Tech Ops Student Emma Hughes

Escalating Aviation Opportunities with Emma Hughes

Posted by Tom Thinnes on

Emma Hughes, who grew up in Kiel, Wis., about an hour north of Milwaukee, definitely flies in the shadows of Earhart and the rest these days.  She represents Western and its aviation program in the Air Race Classic, the annual 2,400-mile transcontinental event for female pilots who range in age from 17 to 90 and come from the ranks of students, teachers, doctors, airline pilots and business owners.  Established in 1929 and attracting Cochran, Coleman and their peers, it was once known as the Powder Puff Derby.

WMU Aviation Technical Operations Student Teagan Arndt

There “Arndt” Reasons to Skydive? Teagan Works to Maintain and Jump

Posted by Tom Thinnes on
Teagan Arndt not only fixes airplanes, she jumps out of them. A junior in the Western Michigan University College of Aviation majoring in aviation technical operations, she is involved with Skydive Broncos, the university's sky-diving team. One could say that she is aviation-ready from the ground floor up.
WMU Aviation Technical Operations Student Calvin Freeland

Finding His Footing – Calvin Freeland Lands in the Right Career

Posted by Tom Thinnes on
"When I enrolled at the Western Michigan University College of Aviation," he says about what amounts to an unusual switcheroo, "I majored in flight science. But when I decided it was not the lifestyle I wanted, I changed to the program in aviation technical operations. I have felt at home ever since. All of the programs offered here are amazing," says Freeland, who is a WMU junior enrolled in his second year of aviation-maintenance courses. "I just happened to find my calling a little later. I am more than happy with the fact that I decided to make the call that I did because I truly ended up where I felt I was meant to be."
WMU Aviation Student Sam Stallman

Setting his Sights – Sam Stallman Strives for Success

Posted by Tom Thinnes on
Sam Stallman will have two of the three career bases covered when his days at the WMU College of Aviation are behind him. Western's aviation program became more than a blip on Stallman's radar "because of the warmth and welcoming nature I experienced when visiting the campus. I considered similar universities," he says, "but Western was the one that really felt like home. The college's program really impressed me and made the most sense."
WMU Aviation Flight Science Student Miranda Goodison

As “Goodison” as it Gets: Miranda’s Ascension into Aviation

Posted by Tom Thinnes on
Miranda Goodison is a living, breathing example that those field trips in eighth grade to check out potential careers really work. Now nearing sophomore status in the Western Michigan University College of Aviation, she has wanted to become a pilot since she turned 11. That horizon came into focus when, as a Girl Scout, she visited the college's main headquarters at W. K. Kellogg Airport (now Battle Creek Executive Airport at Kellogg Field) in the famed Cereal City just east of Kalamazoo.
WMU Aviation Flight Science Student Jason Fink

Flying High with Fink – Jason’s Jaunt to WMU’s College of Aviation

Posted by Tom Thinnes on

College of Aviation students always have amazing reasons for choosing their career path, but Jason Fink's might rate as No. 1. The Houston senior caught the aviation bug from the stories his grandfather told when he was a U.S. Navy radio operator on flights hunting for enemy submarines during the Cold War. That also prompted the major in aviation flight science in his pre-Western days to pursue a private-pilot certificate back in his home state of Texas.

WMU Aviation Flight Science Student Michael Richardson

Michael Richardson: Wings, Wax Records and Making it Happen

Posted by Tom Thinnes on

Richardson, a senior at Western majoring in aviation flight science, says he got the flying bug from the birds, but it didn't become something of a personal pandemic until his last year in high school. And it took a bit of soul-searching. "I asked myself about all the things that interested me," he recalls. "There was a tie among music education, culinary arts, photography and aviation. As a kid, I was always fascinated with flying. Driving around with my parents, I would always tend to watch the skies."

WMU Aviation Management and Operations Student Eli Lantz

The Perfect Landing for Eli Lantz – WMU’s College of Aviation

Posted by Tom Thinnes on

Hailing from the area around the Capitol City of Lansing, Lantz says he had "a life-long interest in aviation, but I never thought I would make it a career until I learned about Western's aviation school." Now in his senior year, he's majoring in aviation management and operations, complementing that with a minor in general business. "When I learned that Western had this specialized program, I knew it would be a good fit for me."
