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Partnerships and Careers


Choose your path

WMU partnerships offer students accelerated pathways, cadet programs, and valuable industry connections. Pathway programs, such as Accelerate (Allegiant), Propel and TechOps (Delta), and Aviate (United) serve as a liaison into the aviation industry. With our strong connections to Duncan Aviation, Envoy, Republic, and Skywest we make finding the right career for you as easy as possible.


Aviation Outlook Day

The purpose of Aviation Outlook Day is to help students connect with aviation organizations and professionals, discuss career options, and learn about industry needs. 


Career Advising

Career and Student Employment Services offers 20-minute drop-in sessions and one-hour appointments to help you with:

  • Campus employment
  • Career fair preparation
  • Interviewing
  • Job search strategies
  • Resume and cover letter review
  • Salary negotiation and many more career-related topics

For more information about services and to schedule an appointment with a Career Development Specialist, please call (269) 387-2745.