Office of the Dean


Dr. Raymond Thompson, Dean

Welcome to the College of Aviation and Western Michigan University! It gives me great pleasure to serve as Dean and continue the over 80-year legacy of excellence in aviation.

The college has just celebrated the dedication of the renovated and expanded Aviation Education Center in Battle Creek, MI. This new facility has allowed our students to gather and learn in a more cohesive and comfortable environment, bringing together all three programs. If you were not able to attend the dedication in person or watch the event via livestream, we hope you will find some time to schedule a tour with one of our outstanding aviation ambassadors.

Students and graduates enjoy life-long relationships with the college, our industry advisory board member organizations, and the many professional aviation and aerospace organizations with whom we enjoy strong partnerships. Our goal is to provide our students with the best education and a pathway to achieving their dreams in the field of aviation.   

Faculty and staff are true professionals who are committed to excellence in education in aviation flight science, aviation technical operations, and aviation management and operations. There is a significant focus on learning outcomes with a focus on training above industry standards. In return, our industry partners recognize the quality of WMU aviation graduates. 

Please feel free to reach out to my office if you have any questions, concerns, or comments. Thank you for visiting our site. 


Dr. Raymond Thompson

(269) 964-8020