Course Offerings from the Medieval Institute
MDVL 1000: The Middle Ages, Then and Now, a course designed to introduce students to the medieval past in the modern imagination, was taught for the first time in fall 2022 and fulfills WMU Essential Studies requirements.
MDVL 2000: Medieval Encounters: Voices from the Past fulfills both Western Essential Studies and General Education requirements.
Upcoming Events
For more information about featured and other upcoming events, check out our events page.
2025 Loew Lecture – Brendan's Voyage: New Approaches to Medieval Language Learning
March 27
3 to 4 p.m.
Join us for the 2025 Loew Lecture! Professors Ramey and Abell, both scholars of medieval French Literature, collaborate to create digital pedagogy resources. They are working to create environments using video game engines to allow users to learn medieval languages and cultures in authentic, immersive contexts. They will be discussing their current project, Brendan’s Voyage, a serious game prototype for teaching medieval cultures and Anglo-Norman grammar and vocabulary in a narrative context, placing users in an environment inspired by the art, architecture, and literature of twelfth-century England and older Irish legends of St. Brendan.
Medieval Institute Mailing List
The Medieval Institute maintains a mailing list of those interested in its programs, including the International Congress on Medieval Studies. Please let us know if you change your address or you would like to be added to the mailing list.