Sales students showcase skills and win Desert Cup

Contact: Amy Coughenour

KALAMAZOO, Mich.—Students at Western Michigan University won top honors at Arizona State University’s Collegiate Sales Competition, showcasing again the strength of the sales and business marketing program at the Haworth College of Business. 

Hosted by Arizona State University, the competition featured Western and 14 other schools that are recognized for their student sales talent, including:

  • Arizona State University
  • Brigham Young University
  • California State University (Chico and Fullerton)
  • Colorado State University
  • Northern Arizona University
  • University of Arizona
  • University of Missouri
  • University of New Mexico
  • University of San Diego
  • University of Wyoming
  • Utah State University
  • Washington State University (Vancouver)
  • Weber State

The Western team, made up of senior Piper Berg of Grand Rapids, Michigan, senior Parker Bidelman of Three Rivers, Michigan, senior Aleksander Slotwinski of Paw Paw, Michigan, and sophomore Ellen Worobec of Wheaton, Illinois, won first place overall. Berg placed first in the sales role-play, winning $1,000, while Worobec and Slotwinski placed third in the marketing team presentation, winning $750.

WMU is one of few Midwestern universities invited to compete and has had success every year. This year, one component of the competition changed from an elevator pitch to a marketing presentation, which meant a change in how the team prepared. Mary Nielsen, faculty specialist II and team coach says, “We had to re-tool a bit, and we are thrilled with our results! Teresa Greenlees was instrumental in helping in this area, as well as several other faculty members.” 

The WMU team from left to right includes Parker Bidelman, Piper Berg, Aleksander Slotwinski and Ellen Worobec

The WMU team not only experienced success, but each team member strengthened their individual skills. Berg recognized her personal growth. If you would have told me on the first day of sales classes that I would be competing in a sales competition—and winning—I would not have believed you! I was able to show the skills I have mastered in the classroom. I am also very proud of how much our team supported one another throughout the weekend.”

Bidelman also credits the tactics learned in his classes with giving him the confidence to succeed in the competition. “I expected it to be a high-pressure competition, and it was, but the sales skills that we learn at WMU reassured us that we were able and ready to succeed.”

Coming into WMU Haworth, Worobec knew she wanted to major in sales and business marketing and get involved right away. “When I met with Professor Nielsen, I knew the competition would be a perfect challenge for me. For the marketing presentation, we were tasked with creating an innovative marketing plan for Canon Solutions America that promoted their corporate philosophy of kyosei. I was able to use the skills I learned in the classroom to work with Aleks on developing a plan. And our hard work paid off with a win!”

Slotwinski echoed Worobec’s commitment to meeting the challenge. “Given the amount of effort, passion and dedication that we put into the marketing presentation, we were anticipating a positive outcome and were so pleased with the results.”

Nielsen’s goal for the team was to have fun and they absolutely met that goal. She says, “I also enjoy seeing them realize just how well our curriculum prepares them. Every student on the team gained confidence from the experience.”

This competition is just one example of WMU Haworth’s experience-driven education, which gives students practical skills for their careers. According to the latest Career Outcomes Report, 100% of sales and business marketing graduates felt their education and experiences as a student at WMU prepared them for their profession. And Berg agrees, “The WMU sales and business marketing program really sets us up for success post-college. This competition and our results are proof of the value of preparation and hard work.”

Learn more about sales and business marketing at WMU Haworth.

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