I want applications emailed directly to me rather than sending candidates to a website.

  • When posting a job, set yourself as a contact.  You can do it either by choosing yourself from the drop-down menu "Add Existing Contact," or by creating yourself as a contact, then selecting yourself from the drop-down menu that will appear. (For directions on posting a job and setting contacts, click here.)
  • Keep the "Application Medium" drop-down menu set to "Handshake."
  • Decide how you would like to receive the applications. If you would like to receive each application as each candidate applies, check the "Applications Packages" box. If you would like one email when the posting expires with all of the information for all of the candidates that applied, check the "Expiration Summary" box. It is possible to check both boxes.

If you have any questions,  call us at (269) 387-2745, or contact Handshake technical support.