Internship information for employers

Internships are experience-driven learning opportunities involving student’s working in their expected career field.

While some of the work interns do may be similar to that of a part-time employee or student employee, there are key differences when a position would be classified as an internship. These include:

  • Seeking a candidate whose expected career field is related to this short-term experience. The experience should contribute meaningfully to related experience for their future career, not just general or transferable experiences.
  • Learning is a key aspect of the position, not just the production/delivery of an end product or service.

General posting guidelines are that all employers can post paid internships, or unpaid internships that are done for course credit.  Nonprofit organizations and government agencies can post unpaid internships without having to require course credit. 

Assess your readiness for an intern

  • Can you provide a meaningful work assignments?
  • Are you prepared and able to invest time in interns?
  • Can you pay the interns?
  • Do you have adequate office space and equipment for interns (computer, phone, desk, etc.)?

Select the intern supervisor

  • Is this person committed to and capable of developing student interns?
  • Does this person have time to supervise interns?

Develop a position description

  • Provide an accurate overview of the position responsibilities, work assignments, and time frame.
  • Clearly outline expected learning outcomes.

    Post your internship to Handshake

  • WMU uses Handshake, the premier early talent job posting platform, to connect WMU students to internship opportunities and employers. If you do not already have an account, you can find instructions for creating one and connecting to WMU at Post an Opportunity.

Review applications/resumes and interview prospective interns

  • Do not automatically accept candidates without interviews.
  • Discuss actual start and end dates for the internship position as well as the intern's work schedule.
  • Notify other employees when an intern will be starting and provide background information about the projects on which the intern will be working.
  • Arrange for appropriate workspace for the intern.

Orient and supervise the interns

  • Share your organization’s mission statement and goals with the intern. Provide them with a tour of the facilities and information on company policies and procedures, formal and informal. Introduce the intern to all staff who will be a resource.
  • Arrange for training, as necessary, with computer programs, telephone systems, copy and fax machines or other equipment the intern will be using.
  • Provide information regarding appropriate work attire and behavior. 
  • Offer direction on specifics of work assignments.
  • Include the intern in staff meetings when appropriate. Assist the intern in arranging informational interviews with colleagues in other departments or offices.
  • Meet with the intern regularly to answer questions and provide feedback.

Seek and provide feedback

  • Ask the supervisor to write a recommendation for the intern if appropriate.
  • Take the intern to lunch on their last day. Discuss the experience with your organization.
  • Complete an evaluation of the intern; review and provide a copy to the intern.
  • Assess your internship program. Make adjustments as necessary.