Bronco Spotlight: Kristin Kinney
Current Job Title:
Junior Recruiter
Current Employer:
Swoon Technology Resources
Describe your current job:
This position is designed to train new recruiters and to quickly promote them into a full cycle recruiter in approximately three months. Junior recruiters learn how to source qualified applicants for our client's job openings.
What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?
Most rewarding: Helping our clients find qualified candidates that they are satisfied with, while simultaneously helping people find a job that is the right match for them. Most challenging: Our service is not tangible, and sometimes people are unpredictable and turn out to not be the best match for the position we found for them.
If you had a campus job or internship, how did they impact your career development?
My on-campus job developed me professionally in ways that my courses could not. I worked along full-time staff who saw me as an asset to the department and was able to take on duties and projects that prepared me for my new career. I definitely recommend each student to take on an internship or campus job before graduating because employers will always ask you about your work experience and how you've developed throughout that.
What advice do you have for students looking for their first career after college?
It's okay to explore opportunities that are not directly linked to what you studied in college. Be open-minded to opportunities and be confident in your abilities and your drive to work hard. Also be ready to interview at multiple places and face rejection before finding the perfect position and company for you.