Bronco Spotlight: Randi Chylinski

Photo of Randi Chylinski
Bachelor of Arts in film, video, and media studies, 2014

Post Production Coordinator at Season One of “Wu-Tang: An American Saga”

I maintain the flow of post production for specific television shows. Post production is the stage of production where the material filmed is edited together for continuity. Some of my responsibilities include creating the order of beginning and end title credits. I also work closely with the editors to schedule the various stages of review sessions needed to complete an episode. In addition, I am responsible for scheduling bi-coastal audio dialogue recording (ADR) for actors on the show. ADR is used when additional lines are added into the show to help the viewer understand the narrative, or if an actor does not state their line clearly. During these processes, I am in constant communication with actors, agents, and managers.

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is feeling a sense of accomplishment knowing that I have contributed to the success of the show. During the quality control process, I make sure there are not any visual effects missing or anything that shouldn’t be in the show, such as a boom microphone or a reflection. This part of my job can be challenging, but I find it very satisfying! Another challenging aspect can be scheduling various meetings and review sessions several times a day across multiple time zones with different vendors.

What activities, resources, or people helped you prepare for your career?

Dr. Machiorlatti, of the film department at WMU helped me prepare for my career by teaching real-life scenarios in her classroom. Getting experience from her classes first hand before stepping out into the real world was crucial. I was prepared by familiarizing myself ahead of time with the career I chose. I still keep in close contact with Dr Mac, and every time she is in Los Angeles we get together with fellow broncos!

What advice do you have for students looking for their career after college? 

Everyone’s path can be different in this industry, so focus on your goals and make as many connections as you can in every field. You never know what kind of opportunities are waiting if you don’t go out and look for them.

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