Bronco Spotlight: Allison Lester
Cedar Creek Watershed Field Technician at Pierce Cedar Creek Institute and Field Interviewer at Michigan PFAS Exposure and Health Study (MiPEHS)
At Pierce Cedar Creek, I gather water quality data in Cedar Creek and surrounding lakes for the purpose of developing a watershed management plan. At MiPEHS, I work in MDHHS research study office to assist with administration of health history survey and blood sampling/processing for participants living in Parchment/Cooper Township to help understand long-term health effects of PFAS in drinking water.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
Struggles with my employment agency due to them being far-removed from the study office are frustrating. I don’t feel like my qualifications are valued. I love working with my supervisor and coworkers in the office, though, so it’s a trade-off decision (MiPEHS). The most rewarding part of my two jobs is being out in nature and getting to be hands-on directly assisting with responsible stewardship of our environment and wildlife (Pierce Cedar Creek).