Bronco Spotlight: Allison Lester


Bachelor of Science in freshwater science and sustainability, 2021

Cedar Creek Watershed Field Technician at Pierce Cedar Creek Institute and Field Interviewer at Michigan PFAS Exposure and Health Study (MiPEHS)

At Pierce Cedar Creek, I gather water quality data in Cedar Creek and surrounding lakes for the purpose of developing a watershed management plan. At MiPEHS, I work in MDHHS research study office to assist with administration of health history survey and blood sampling/processing for participants living in Parchment/Cooper Township to help understand long-term health effects of PFAS in drinking water.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Struggles with my employment agency due to them being far-removed from the study office are frustrating. I don’t feel like my qualifications are valued. I love working with my supervisor and coworkers in the office, though, so it’s a trade-off decision (MiPEHS). The most rewarding part of my two jobs is being out in nature and getting to be hands-on directly assisting with responsible stewardship of our environment and wildlife (Pierce Cedar Creek).

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