Bronco Spotlight: Angela Pilbeam
Current Job Title:
Dental Assisting Instructor
Current Employer:
Describe your current job:
I currently teach Dental Assisting to high school students from 11 different school districts. In addition, I am a dental hygienist and office manager for a local dentist office.
What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?
The most rewarding part of my job is having the ability to impact a student’s future career choice. The most challenging part of my job is when I have a student in my class that doesn't have any interest in the dental field.
What experiences impacted the choice of your career path?
Attending the TECH Center as a junior in high school and completing a dental assisting program is what confirmed my career pathway. The ironic part of this is that I now teach the very class that helped me choose my career path. I owe everything to Career and Technical Education. Without this experience I would not have the successful career I am fortunate to have.
What advice would you offer students to help them decide on a career path?
Try to narrow down what jobs you would like doing every day. It's not always about how much money you make. You have to be happy going to work every day! While it is alright to go into college without declaring a major, I really would not recommend not having any clue.