Bronco Spotlight: Benedicta Akyaamah

Benedicta Akyaamah

Master of Arts in applied economics, 2019

NGO, Teacher at Lead for Ghana

As fellows of the Lead For Ghana group, we teach students in remote areas. The aim is to help them also get access to excellent education just like those in the cities.

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

Getting the kids to have an excellent education is more rewarding than anything.  The most challenging are the network issues and portable water.

What activities, resources, or people helped you prepare for your career?

The library,  the seminars they organized every Friday for graduate students on citations. The professors who were always ready to help and answer any questions I had.  The Fulbright association, who became family when I was on campus.  The student recreation center, and international student activities, especially international festival, all impacted my success.

What advice do you have for students looking for their career after college?

Whatever you want to be in future after school, you should start working towards that now. Don't wait until you finish school. Build connections now; this is very important. Nonetheless, if you do not get what you want (with regards to wherever you want to work), whatever is available you should go for it. The little things mostly pave way for bigger ones. Whatever you can do to help your society/state/cities, please do! Especially for those in remote areas. They need you. 

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