Bronco Spotlight: Taja Cato-Jackson

Bachelor of Arts, communication; gender and women studies, 2016

Title Analyst at Ford Motor Company

I work hand in hand with customers who are surrendering their vehicle back to Ford Motor Company, and processing their vehicle title back into Ford's name. I work with customers and title around all 50 states.

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is being able to experience the automotive industry outside of the factories. I understand different automotive terminology and can determine the features of what is considered a 'lemon' vehicle.     The most challenging part is trying to work with the customer and make their surrendering process as smooth as possible; however sometimes cases go on a little longer than expected, so explaining to the customer and letting them know even though the process may be taking longer than expected, everything will be processed and completed.

If you had a campus job or internship, how did they impact your career development?

I worked two jobs while at Western: One as an Office Assistant at the Office of LBGT Student Services and the other as a Shift Manager at the Bronco Connection Center. Both jobs were very consistent with meeting and working alongside the Career Development center. We had monthly resume and cover letter writing workshops as well as plenty of team building exercises. I also met with my supervisors at the end of each semester for an evaluation of my job performance, which also helped me continue what I was doing well and critique what might have needed some work. I wouldn't have the work ethic I do now if not for my jobs at Western.

What advice do you have for students looking for their career after college?

The search is not always going to be easy. Be patient! Don't be afraid to take a job you never thought you'd do because you never know where you might end up. No matter what job you end up finding, whether it be your dream job or a job that's paying the loans, remember your worth as an employee and as a person.

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