Advice for Presiders

A session’s presider is responsible for the running of the session. Their duties usually include acting as master of ceremonies and time-keeper; introducing session participants and announcing their social media preferences; and moderating discussion and maintaining an atmosphere of professional respect.

  • Timekeeping

    All Congress sessions are 90 minutes long. In a session of papers, 60 minutes should be taken up by the papers themselves, and 30 minutes by introductions, general to-ing and fro-ing and discussion. (Sessions in other formats may be structured more loosely than sessions of papers.)

    • In a session of 2 papers, each paper should be limited to 30 minutes.
    • In a session of 3 papers, each paper should be limited to 20 minutes.
    • In a session of 4 papers, each paper should be limited to 15 minutes.
    • In a session of 5 papers, each paper should be limited to 12 minutes.

    We encourage presiders to be assertive in enforcing time limits; a well-run session with papers delivered within the time limit will be appreciated by participants and audience alike.

  • Introductions

    Introductions in Congress sessions are generally short, but we encourage you to contact the speakers in advance in order to learn about them and their work. Contacting the speakers in advance also affords an opportunity to ask about AV equipment, handouts, social media preferences and other logistical concerns.

  • Social Media

    Session presiders are expected to inform audiences of speakers’ preferences concerning the sharing (or not) of their presentations through social media.

  • AV Equipment and Handouts

    The presider is expected to help ensure the smooth running of the session. If AV equipment needs trouble-shooting in an in-person session, presiders should be prepared to seek help from the AV staff in the building in which the session is scheduled.

    Congress participants are expected to bring multiple copies of their handouts to the session, and presiders are expected to facilitate their distribution.

  • Presiding over Virtual or Hybrid Sessions

    As at in-person sessions, presiders of virtual or hybrid sessions are expected to help ensure the smooth running of the session. If technical problems occur, presiders should be prepared to seek help from the Confex tech host assigned to the session.

    Participants attending virtual sessions, or attending hybrid sessions virtually, access sessions through Zoom meetings linked directly from the meeting site. For an optimal experience, download the Zoom client to your device(s), or, if already downloaded, update the app.

    • The Join Now link for each event goes live on the meeting site 20 minutes ahead of the scheduled start time. Presiders are encouraged to arrive promptly at that time.
    • Clicking the Join Now link sends you to the Zoom waiting room for your session. Make sure your Zoom name allows the Confex tech host to recognize you so they can admit you from the waiting room.
    • The Confex tech host will admit the first person who is listed as a session participant from the waiting room and make them co-host of the session. That person can then admit other session participants from the waiting room.
    • Session participants may prepare for the session, test screen sharing, etc., before the session begins and audience members are admitted from the waiting room.
    • Those not actively involved in the session can be admitted from the waiting room at the start time or shortly before: the exact time will be up to session organizers and presiders.
    • Chat is enabled for all events, and attendees may chat with everyone or in private conversations with other individuals attending the session.
    • Screen Sharing is enabled so that speakers can display slides or share other presentation materials.
  • Recommended Procedures on Zoom

    As at in-person sessions, it is the prerogative of session organizers and presiders to determine how virtual or hybrid sessions will run. We do, however, recommend the following:

    • Presiders should ask all to remain muted unless they are actively participating.
    • Save comments and questions for after all scheduled contributions have been made.
    • Contributors should be cognizant of microphone placement (e.g., shuffling papers near a microphone will diminish the experience for auditors); using a headset with a microphone will improve sound quality.
    • Have attendees signal a desire to contribute by using the Raise Hand feature or typing a question into the chat box.
    • Presiders may want to designate a colleague to help in monitoring the chat and raised hands.