Register for Congress

Events of the 60th International Congress on Medieval Studies (May 8-10, 2025), including virtual and hybrid sessions, are available exclusively to those registered for the Congress.


Registration rates for the 60th Congress are: 

  • $290 (annual income $90,000 and above)
  • $235 (annual income $75,000-$89,999)
  • $200 (annual income $60,000-$74,999)
  • $175 (annual income $45,000-$59,999)
  • $120 (students and annual income below $45,000)
  • $25 (Kalamazoo residents)
  • $0 (WMU affiliates)


We can accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover for credit card payments. Payment by electronic transfer or check is by special arrangement only. Contact the Medieval Institute for details.


Refunds for registration fees are made only if we receive notification of cancellation by April 23. No refunds are made after that date. For any inquiries, email the Medieval Institute.

Subsidized Registration

Subsidized registration is available for graduate students, early career researchers (degree conferred within the last three years) and medievalists without institutional support. To be considered, you must apply by Feb. 28, 2025. 

Donate to the Medieval Institute

We invite you to consider making a charitable donation in support of the ongoing work of the Congress.