Courses Not Regularly Offered Policy
Policy number | 04-15 |
Responsible office | Registrar |
Enforcement official |
Enforcement official
Office of the Registrar
Classification | Board of Trustees-delegated Policy |
Category | Academic Programs and Requirements |
Statement of policy
This policy articulates that graduate courses must be offered at least once every five years and undergraduate courses once every three years. Those courses not offered in that time frame will be deleted from the catalog unless an exception is approved by the college dean.
Summary of contents/major changes
Full Policy Details
The policy for courses not regularly offered will be a two stop process:
Step One
Each year during the spring semester the Registrar’s Office will provide to departments a list of undergraduate courses that have not been offered in the last three consecutive years and graduate courses that have not been offered in the last five consecutive years for review. If the department recommends that a course remain active, the dean’s approval is required. Courses that do not receive dean approval are deleted and can only be reinstated by going through the curriculum process.
Step Two
Any undergraduate course that has not been offered in the last five consecutive years and any graduate course that has not been offered in the last eight consecutive years will automatically be deleted and removed from future catalogs. A list of courses deleted as a result of this process will be shared with the Provost and the deans. Once deleted; a course can only be reinstated by going through the curriculum process.
Effective date of current version | September 24, 2015 |
Proposed date of next review | June 1, 2021 |