Advanced Placement (AP) Credit

To receive advanced placement credit

Students who wish to receive course credit for AP exam scores should request that an official grade report transcript of their AP exam scores be sent to Western Michigan University. Once the scores have been evaluated, students are notified of their placement by email.

Test scores and official transcripts can be sent to: 

WMU Admissions
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5211 

College code

WMU’s college code is 1902. To learn more about requesting official AP scores, visit College Board or call toll-free at (888) 225-5427.


For credit eligibility, WMU requires a minimum score of 3 for most exams; however, there are some that require a minimum score of 4 or 5. Please review the table below carefully. 

The following table lists Advanced Placement (AP) score requirements, along with the equivalent course(s) awarded for each exam. This information is subject to change without notice. 

ExamExam NumberRequired
 Credit Award Semester
African American Studies1164 to 5 AAAS 2000 
Art History133 to 5 ART 2200 3
Biology203 to 5 BIOS 1600 3
Calculus AB663 to 5 MATH 1220 4
Calculus BC683 to 5 MATH 1220, 1230 8
Chemistry 253 to 4 CHEM 1100, 1110  4
255 CHEM 1100, 1110, 1120, 1130 8
Chinese Language and Culture 283 CHIN 1000, 1010 
284 to 5 Departmental recommendation  
Computer Science A313 to 5 Departmental recommendation 
Computer Science Principles323 to 5  CS 1106  
Economics: Macro353 to 5 ECON 2020 3
Economics: Micro343 to 5 ECON 2010 3
English Language Composition363 to 5 ENGL 1050  3
English Literature and Composition373 ENGL 1050  3
37 4 to 5 ENGL 1050 or ENGL 1100 3 or 4
374 to 5 

ENGL 1050 and ENGL 1100

(Starting fall 2025)

Environmental Science403 to 5 ENVS 2150 3
European History434 to 5 HIST 1010 3
French (Language or Literature)483 FREN 1000, 1010 8
48 4 to 5 Departmental recommendation  
German55 GER 1000, 1010  
55 4 to 5 GER 2000, 2010 8
Government and Politics: Comparative583 to 5 PSCI 2400 3
Government and Politics: United States573 to 5 PSCI 2000 3
Human Geography533 to 5 GEOG 2050 3
Italian Language and Culture623 ITAL 1000, 1010 8
62 4 to 5 Departmental recommendation  
Japanese Language and Culture643 JPNS 1000, 1010 8
644 JPNS 2000 4
64 5 JPNS 2000, 2010 8
Latin (Literature or Vergil)60 LAT 1000, 1010  
604 to 5 Departmental recommendation  
Music: Aural76 5 MUS 2170 1
Music Theory75 4 to 5 MUS 1590 2
Physics 1833 to 5 PHYS 1070, 1080, 1130, 1140 10
Physics 2843 to 5 PHYS 1150, 1160 5
Physics B784 to 5 PHYS 1130, 1140, 1150, 1160 10
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism824 to 5 PHYS 2070, 2080 5
Physics C: Mechanics804 to 5 PHYS 2050, 2060 5
Pre-Calculus654 to 5 MATH 1180 
Psychology853 to 5 PSY 1000 3
Spanish (Language or Literature)87 (Language), 89 (Literature)  SPAN 1000, 1010 
87, 894 SPAN 1000, 1010 and 2000 
87, 89 5 SPAN 1000, 1010, 2000 and 2010 
Statistics903 to 5 STAT 1600 3
Studio Art (Drawing, 2D, or 3D Design)14 (Studio Drawing), 15 (Studio 2D Design), 16 (Studio 3D Design)3 to 5 

Non-art majors: ART 1300 or ART 1400

Art majors: Departmental recommendation

U.S. History074 to 5 HIST 2100, 2110 6
World History934 to 5 HIST 2030 3

AP credit awarding process

AP credits are not applied to a student’s record until after the start of their first semester at WMU. Students entering in the fall semester can expect to have their credits applied by mid-October. Students entering in the spring semester can expect to have their credits applied by mid-March.

Grade reports received after the semester begins will be evaluated and credit applied as appropriate before the registration opens for the proceeding semester. 

Academic advising

Students are encouraged to meet with their academic advisor to discuss anticipated AP credit before registering for classes. Advisors, prior to credit being granted, can view evaluated scores. 

Departmental recommendation

Students should meet with the appropriate department(s) to determine departmental credit eligibility. The department will determine the specific course credit and forward the decision to the Registrar’s Office. Students are encouraged to contact the department(s) upon arrival to the University. 

English credit

Students receiving a score of 4 or 5 on the English Literature and Composition examination will have a choice of course credit at WMU. Students will be emailed a form that allows them to choose which course for which they want credit but they are encouraged to consult with their academic advisor first to determine which course best meets the needs of their academic program.