Registrar’s Notes – April 21, 2014

April Commencement

Over 2,000 students will be attending commencement in Miller Auditorium this Saturday. Ceremony times are as follows:

9:00 a.m.      College of Education and Human Development Extended University Programs

12:00 p.m.    College of Engineering and Applied Sciences College of Health and Human Services College of Aviation

3:00 p.m.     College of Fine Arts

                    Haworth College of Business

6:00 p.m.      College of Arts and Sciences

Graduates are able to pick up their four guest tickets in the WMU Bookstore through Saturday. Extra tickets may be available on a first come first served basis beginning Friday, April 25 at 8 a.m. at the Miller Auditorium box office. Eligible students will receive up to two additional tickets.

The commencement ceremonies will be broadcast live on EduCABLE channel 5 and throughout the Kalamazoo viewing area by Charter Communications on Public Media Network's channel 99.

New to commencement this year, a pdf version of the commencement program will be available on the commencement website. Graduates will also be able to tag social media posts and photos using #WMUGrad.


Spring semester grades are due next Tuesday, April 29 at noon. Grades will be available to students as soon as we complete processing, which we anticipate will be sometime in the late afternoon or early evening on April 29.

A few grading reminders—

  • Instructors are required to provide a last date of attendance for students receiving a grade of "E" or "X". If attendance information is not available, the instructor can use the last

    date of recorded academic activity. In cases where the student does not come to even one class session or does not complete any work, the first day of the semester should be used (1/06/2014). Despite the weather closure at the beginning of the semester, January 6 is considered the official start date for the spring 2014 semester.

  • The grade of "X" should be used when a student either never attended or stopped attending the course and is not eligible for an incomplete. The "X" grade is counted into the student's gpa the same as an "E" grade.

  • An incomplete is a temporary grade, given for reasons beyond the control of the student and is not to be given as a substitute for a failing grade.

  • A Report of Incomplete Grade, located on the faculty menu in GoWMU, needs to be submitted when an incomplete grade is assigned. The Report of Incomplete Grade lists the work the student needs to complete in the course as well as the deadline for completion.

Upcoming Dates:

  • April 21-25—Final Exam week

  • Saturday, April 26—Commencement

  • Tuesday, April 29--Spring grades due at noon