Registrar’s Notes – August 4, 2014
December Graduation Application Deadline
The deadline for students to apply for December 2014 graduation has been extended to September 19. The extension is to allow students who are away from campus over the summer time to meet with an advisor and submit their paperwork to the Registrar’s Office when they return in the fall.
FERPA and Former Students
According to FERPA, students who have ceased attendance of have graduated have the same FERPA rights as students currently enrolled. Those rights include the right to (1) inspect their educational records, (2) have a hearing to amend an education record, and (3) have their education record privacy protected by the institution.
One Stop
The Fall 2014 One Stop Center will begin in a few weeks in the West Ballroom of the Bernhard Center. The dates and times are as follows:
Departmental Set Up
August 22 1 – 5
One Stop Hours
August 25 -29 9 - 5
September 2-4 9 - 6
September 5 9 - noon
Degree Works—General Education Tip
When a distribution area of General Education is complete, but the overall requirements of General Education are not complete, you will see “Still Needed” in red in the body of the General Education Distribution Areas block. This indicates the student still needs either more credits to meet the 37 credit hour requirement or the student needs another 3000 level or above course.
Upcoming Dates:
Friday, August 15—Summer II session ends
Tuesday, August 19—Final grades due at noon
Monday, August 25 to Friday, September 5—One Stop
Tuesday, August 26 to Friday, August 29—Fall Welcome
Monday, September 1—Labor Day recess
Tuesday, September 2—Fall classes begin
Monday, September 8—Last day to drop/add
Tuesday, September 9—Census
Wednesday, September 10--$100 late fee begins
Thursday, September 11—Last day to receive a 90% refund for complete withdraw
Monday, September 15—Last day to receive a 50% refund for a partial withdraw
Friday, September 26—Last day to receive a 50% refund for a complete withdraw
Sunday, September 28—First work grades due
Wednesday, October 22—Last day to receive a 25% refund for a complete withdraw
Sunday, October 26—Midterm grades due
Monday, November 3—Last day to withdraw
Wednesday, November 26—Thanksgiving recess starts at noon
Monday, December 1—Classes resume
Tuesday, Dec. 16—Final grades due at noon