February 2, 2015
Summer registration
Registration opens next Monday for summer I and summer II 2015. Priority registration will go through Friday, Feb. 13. The complete registration schedule can be found online.
First work grades
The first work submission deadline is approaching. First work grades are due in Banner by Sunday, Feb. 15. Providing students with an early indication of how they are performing in a course can be valuable, especially in 1000 and 2000 level courses. Instructors are asked to follow up with a midterm grade no later than March 15.
Fall 2014 grading closed
Grading for fall 2014 has been closed. Students who were not issued a grade by the instructor have been given an incomplete. Instructors can remove the I grade using the link on the Faculty Menu in GoWMU.
Degree Works plans
We are excited to begin utilizing the plans feature in Degree Works to help students map their academic path to graduation. Using plans advisors can create semester by semester academic plans for students. Plans may be individualized based on the unique needs of a student or assigned en masse from a template. Here are some benefits of plans:
- Plans will help reduce time to degree by helping students to make appropriate course selections.
- Students will be encouraged to take courses in the correct sequence.
- Plans provide students with a realistic picture of how many courses they will need to take each semester in order to graduate in four years.
- Plans Allow us to identify students who are off track or not following their plan.
- Plans will provide valuable data on course demand and will help departments more accurately predict how many sections and seats they will need to offer.
- An audit may be run against a plan to see if it will lead the student successfully to graduation.
- In a future release Ellucian is planning to integrate Degree Works with Banner registration. This will allow students to register for courses directly from their plan.
The Registrar's Office is working with college advising offices to pilot plans. The pilot will be rolled out at orientation to students in select programs. More information on Degree Works and plans may be found on the Registrar's Office website.
Upcoming dates
- Monday, Feb. 2—Deadline to submit Summer I and Summer II graduation applications
- Monday, Feb. 9—Last day for 50% tuition refund for a complete withdraw
- Sunday, Feb. 15—First work grades due
- Friday, March 6—Last day for 25% tuition refund for a complete withdraw
- Friday, March 6—Spirit Day, no classes
- Monday, March 9—Spring break begins
- Sunday, March 15—Midterm grading closes, end of day
- Monday, March 16—Classes resume
- Monday, March 23—Last day to withdraw from Spring courses
- April 27 through May 1—Final Exam week
- Saturday, May 2—Commencement
- Tuesday, May 5—Spring grades due by noon