Office of the Registrar
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5256 USA
(269) 387-4300
June 8, 2015
Last day to withdraw
Today is the last day students will be able to withdraw from a summer I course. They can withdraw through GoWMU until 11:59 pm. tonight. Students who are unable to access the registration system due to a hold on their account can withdraw in the Registrar's Office. If the student is not on campus please have them contact our office at (269) 387-4300 for assistance.
After tonight withdrawal from a course will only be permitted through the hardship panel withdrawal process of GAPDAC. Documentation will be required and the hardship panel will determine if a hardship exists and whether a withdrawal is warranted. Students initiate this process through the Ombudsman's Office.
2015-16 tuition
At their June 3 meeting the Board of Trustees set tuition for the coming year. The tuition and fees page and the tuition calculator have been updated on the Registrar's Office website to reflect the 3.2% increase that will go into effect fall semester.
Advisor of record
An advisor of record is being assigned to all incoming beginner and transfer students. This is the third year the college advising offices have been entering the information in an effort to provide students with a point of contact. If you would like to see the advisor assigned to a particular student you can find this information in Banner on the SGASTDN screen by clicking on Options and going to Assign Advisor to Student. You can also see the advisor of record in Degree Works at the top of the worksheet next to the student photo. Students can view the advisor of record information in Degree Works as well, or in GoWMU by clicking on Academic Services and then View Student Information.
Summer commencement
The June commencement ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, June 27 in Miller Auditorium. Graduates planning to attend should reserve their tickets no later than June 17. The RSVP form can be found under the Academic Services menu in GoWMU. Graduates can also reserve their six guest tickets through the Registrar's Office by calling (269) 387-4300.