Office of the Registrar
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5256 USA
(269) 387-4300
July 20, 2015
New eDiploma option
Graduates now have the option of receiving a signed and certified PDF copy of their Western Michigan University diploma. An eDiploma provides graduates with a secure and convenient way to verify their WMU education. The email sent to graduates when the hard copy is mailed will now include a secure login ID and information on how to request an eDiploma.
There is a one-time fee of $5 for an eDiploma, but the PDF can be retrieved any time at no additional charge. Once an eDiploma is ordered it will be sent via email as a high resolution color Adobe Certified PDF file. A certified eDiploma assures the recipient that the document is authentic, comes from a verified source and has not been tampered with.
Spring 2016 working reports
Thank you to all the departments who submitted their spring 2016 working reports to the Registrar's Office by the July 17 deadline. For those departments who have not yet returned it, please do so by tomorrow. Contact Laura Thomas with any questions.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of education records and to provide guidelines for appropriately using and releasing information. Do you know when a student's FERPA rights begin and when they end? According to the Act a student's FERPA rights begin when they enroll at the institution, regardless of age. Applicants who are denied admission or who never attend are not covered under FERPA, but every effort should still be made to protect their information. A student's FERPA rights continue after the student leaves or graduates from WMU. FERPA rights are only terminate upon death of the student. Additional information can be found online.
Upcoming dates
- Wednesday, July 29—Last day to receive a 25% refund for a complete withdrawal
- Monday, Aug. 3—Last day to withdraw
- Friday, Aug. 21—Summer II session ends
- Tuesday, Aug. 25—Summer II grades due by noon