Office of the Registrar
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5256 USA
(269) 387-4300
March 6, 2017
Midterm grading
This is the final week for instructors to enter midterm grades for the spring semester. The Midterm Grade worksheet will be available through Monday, March 13. Grades can be submitted in GoWMU, using the Midterm Grade Worksheet, or reported through eLearning. Instruction on submitting midterm grades can be found on the Registrar’s Office website.
Fall 2017 registration
Fall registration opens next Monday for graduate students. Students with priority registration (Athletes, DSS, Honors, Trio) are eligible to register on Tuesday, March 14; followed by seniors with 122 credit hours on Wednesday, March 15. The complete priority registration schedule is available on the Registrar’s Office website.
Banner tip
The Student Summary feature in Banner displays the history of changes to a student’s program.
There are three ways to access the summary:
- Click the down arrow next to “Student Summary” at the top of SGASTDN before you “next block” down into SGASTDN.
- Enter SGASTDQ directly into the Go To box.
- By selecting SGASTDQ under Options in SFAREGS.
This feature is term driven, so if you leave the term blank at the top of SGASTDN and click the down arrow next to “Student Summary,” it will display a list of all records. If necessary, you may enter a specific term.
As you scroll down through each row, you will see details (majors and minors) for each row in the two sections at the bottom of the screen; “Curricula Summary” and “Field of Study Summary.” An active scroll bar to the right of each section indicates more records are available.
Fun facts
There are 111 hybrid sections offered this semester, up from 101 sections in Spring 2016. In order to be considered hybrid, the course must be a mix of online and face-to-face instruction, with at least 51 percent of the instruction delivered online. Hybrid courses are identified in Banner with a BLS Instructional Method.
Upcoming dates
- Mar. 6 - 10—Spring Break (no classes, University open)
- Mar. 13—Midterm grades due
- Mar. 20—Last day to withdraw from classes
- Apr. 24 - 28—Final exam week
- Apr. 29—Semester ends; Commencement
- May 2—Final grades due by noon