July 24, 2017

Last day to withdraw

Today is the last day students will be able to withdraw from a Summer II course.  They can withdraw through GoWMU until 11:59 pm. tonight.   Students who are unable to access the registration system due to a hold on their account can withdraw in the Registrar's Office.   If the student is not on campus, please have them contact our office at 269-387-4300 for assistance.

After tonight, withdrawal from a course will only be permitted through the hardship panel withdrawal process of GAPDAC. Documentation will be required and the Hardship Panel will determine if a hardship exists and whether a withdrawal is warranted. Students initiate this process through the Ombudsman’s Office. 

Spring 2018 Schedule building

The final review for spring 2018 academic courses is now available and a new working report can be generated in Cognos. 

Banner access is not available during the final round. All edits must be performed by the Registrar’s Office. Changes should be made on the working report in red. 

All working reports must be signed by the department chair (only the first page is necessary).  Return to the Registrar’s Office:

Final round working reports must be returned to the Registrar’s Office no later than Monday, July 31 by 5 p.m.

Questions should be directed to Laura Thomas or Richard Carbonneau

December graduation deadline

August 1 is the deadline for students to submit their application for December graduation.  Applications can be submitted in GoWMU using the link provided on the Academic Services menu.  As a reminder, undergraduate students must be cleared by an advisor before they will be permitted to submit their application.

Banner tip

Banner provides users with the ability to adjust preferences including some display and alert options and color settings.  To see available options and to make a change to your Banner display, select “Personal Link” under “My Links” on the main menu page.  

Fact of the Week

During the summer II session, graduate students are registered for an average of 3.68 credit hours.  One Master’s student in Spec Ed & Orientation/Mobility, Blindness & Low Vision Studies has the highest number of credit hours at 16. 


24 Last day to receive 25% refund for a complete withdrawal
18 Summer II session ends
22 Summer II session final grades are due by noon