Finalizing Sessions

The designated organizer(s) for sponsored and special sessions accepted for the International Congress on Medieval Studies are responsible for accepting and rejecting proposed contributions to their sessions and for supplying the names and contact information of any additional session personnel by Oct. 15.

Individual links to edit and finalize sessions in the Confex system will be provided to organizers by email. Organizers of sessions of papers, poster sessions and roundtables will be able to view, accept and reject proposals to their sessions in Confex. Organizers of workshops, demonstrations and performances will use the same system to assign personnel to their sessions. They will need the names and contact information for all participants in order to add them to their sessions.

Sessions of papers may include up to five papers, and roundtables, workshops and demonstrations may include up to seven participants, in addition to the presider. If organizers receive more high-quality paper proposals than can be accommodated in a single session, they may request additional sessions on the same topic as an already-accepted session. Requests are due by Oct. 15.

Papers not accepted into sponsored and special sessions are considered for inclusion in general sessions, unless an author indicates a preference that the paper not be considered further.