Registrar’s Notes – December 22, 2014

Dean's List

The Dean's List for the fall semester has been published on the Registrar's Office website. You can search for Dean's List recipients by name, college, city, state or zip. To view the complete list, just search using the Fall 2014 semester.

In order to qualify for the Dean's List, students must complete at least 12 hours of graded work during the fall or spring semester (6 hours during Summer I or Summer II); and receive a grade point average of 3.50 or higher for that semester/session.

Spring Graduation

Students still have time to apply for Spring graduation. The deadline has been extended and applications will be accepted through Friday, January 16. Information on the application process can be found on the Registrar's Office website.

Note: the deadline to apply for June and August graduation is February 1.

Reclaim the W

As you may recall, Reclaim the W was a pilot initiative to restore first year students (FTIACs) that were dismissed at the end of their second semester. A total of 46 students participated in the Reclaim the W program. I am pleased to share with you the preliminary results:

  • 22 Reclaim the W students (48%) ended the fall semester in good standing.
  • 8 Reclaim the W students (17%) earned a semester GPA of 2.00 or higher and have been placed on extended probation.
  • 16 Reclaim the W students (34%) were academically dismissed.
  • 10 Reclaim the W students earned a semester GPA of 3.00 or higher
  • One Reclaim the W student was on the Dean's List.
  • 31 of the 46 Reclaim the W students (66%) are eligible to attend the Spring 2015 semester.

Upcoming Dates:

  • Friday, January 9; Monday, January 12 to Wednesday, January 14-- One Stop
  • Monday, January 12-Spring classes begin
  • Friday, January 16-Last day to drop/add classes
  • Monday, January 19-MLK Day
  • Tuesday, January 20--Census
  • Wednesday, January 21--$100 late add fee begins
  • Thursday, January 22-Last day for 90% tuition refund for a complete withdraw
  • Monday, January 26-- Last day for 50% tuition refund for a partial withdraw
  • Monday, February 2-Deadline to submit Summer I/Summer II graduation applications
  • Monday, February 9-- Last day for 50% tuition refund for a complete withdraw
  • Sunday, February 15 - First work grades due
  • Friday, March 6-- Last day for 25% tuition refund for a complete withdraw
  • Friday, March 6-Spirit day
  • Monday, March 9-Spring break begins
  • Sunday, March 15 - Midterm grading closes, end of day
  • Monday, March 16-Classes resume
  • Monday, March 23-Last day to withdraw from Spring courses
  • April 27-May 1-Final Exam week
  • Saturday, May 2-Commencement
  • Tuesday, May 5--Spring grades due at noon