Office of the Registrar
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5256 USA
(269) 387-4300
August 3, 2015
Last day to withdraw
Today is the last day students can withdraw from a summer II course. Students will have access to withdraw through GoWMU until 11:59 p.m. tonight. Students who are unable to access the registration system due to a hold on their account can withdraw in the Registrar's Office. If the student is not on campus, please them contact our office at (269) 387-4300 for assistance.
After tonight, withdrawal from a course will only be permitted through the hardship withdrawal panel process of GAPDAC. Students initiate this process through the Ombudsman's Office.
December graduation application deadline
The deadline for students to apply for December 2015 graduation has been extended to September 11. The extension is to allow students who are away from campus over the summer time to meet with an advisor and submit their paperwork to the Registrar's Office when they return in the fall.
Degree Works issue with Chrome
It was brought to our attention that Degree Works is not working properly with Chrome. The Ellucian Support Center posted the following information regarding this problem:
"Recently, the Google Chrome browser updated to version 44. On all versions of Degree Works, there have been reports of Degree Works Worksheets (Audits) showing a blank screen where a degree audit report normally displays. We have determined that it worked properly through version 43, so once users move to version 44 the blank screen problem is consistently occurring. In addition to the Worksheets tab, the Notes and Petitions are not working properly. They also display blank screens."
OIT is following the defect and will let us know when it is fixed. Until then, please use a browser other than Chrome when accessing Degree Works.
Upcoming dates
- Monday, Aug. 3—Last day to withdraw
- Friday, Aug. 21—Summer II session ends
- Tuesday, Aug. 25—Summer II grades due by noon