2024 Departmental Level GRCS Award

Departmental Graduate Research and Creative Scholar Award: Report Your Selected Winner(s)

The Graduate Studies Council has established this annual award to recognize graduate student contributions at Western Michigan University. The Graduate Research and Creative Scholar Award (GRCS) was established in 1986 to acknowledge graduate students' contributions to the scholarly and artistic productivity of WMU. Each department, through its own internal processes, selects a departmental winner(s). Winners are sought on an annual basis by the Graduate College from the academic departments. Each student selected by an academic program becomes the recipient of the award at the department level. 

Your departmental awardee(s), if you so choose to nominate will be evaluated by the Graduate Studies Council for one of the All-University GRCS Awards. Students selected for the All-University recognition will have this designation placed on their official University transcript and in the commencement program. More information about the All-University Awards will be forthcoming in January, with nominations for this separate competition submitted in InfoReady.

Guidelines for Departmental-Level Award Selection
  1. Students may receive a departmental-level research/creative scholar award only once per degree level. For example, a master's student who has received this award cannot receive the same award again without having advanced to the doctoral level.
  2. Students selected by their departments for 2023-24 GRCS award must have been enrolled during at least one of the following: Summer I 2023, Summer II 2023, Fall 2023, or Spring 2024. Students who have graduated are also eligible, provided they meet this enrollment criterion.
  3. A student who is enrolled in both a master's and doctoral program during this academic year may receive the award at either degree level, but not both.
  4. Board-appointed faculty who are also enrolled in a graduate program are not eligible for these awards.
  5. Each academic unit may select no more than ONE student per degree program with a separate BANNER Code. Click here to be directed to the Registrar's site for a list of program codes.
Submissions due by 5 p.m. on January 22, 2024.


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For additional information please contact Diana Berkshire-Hearit at diana.hearit@wmich.edu or by calling our office at (269) 387-8212