Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We're here to help! The information assembled here is for domestic students applying for admission to a graduate program at WMU.

Admission information

  • Learn more about graduate education at WMU by calling (269) 387-8212 or emailing
  • Check out our virtual campus tour here
  • Need help completing your online application? We're just a phone call or an email away! (269) 387-2228 or (269) 387-2025,
  • Watch our video to guide you through your online application for admission here

I'm an international applicant. Is there someone who can help me with my application, student visa, transcripts, and other questions?
For prospective international students and applicants, the WMU International Student and Scholar Services website includes information and a list of Frequently Asked Questions for prospective, admitted, and current international students. They can also be reached by email or phone (269) 387-5865. 

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What are the WMU school codes? 

ACT code: 2066

GRE code: 1902

SAT code: 1902

TOEFL code: 1902

Financial Aid code: 002330

I am a current WMU undergraduate student. How do I apply for an Accelerated Graduate Degree Program? When should I apply?
A WMU Accelerated Graduate Degree Program allows students to double count up to 12 credit hours of graduate course work toward their undergraduate degree and graduate degree. It is important for students to work closely with their college advisor as soon as they have an interest in an accelerated program. We recommend students follow the steps outlined on the checklist to ensure all requirements are met in a timely manner.

I am submitting by the application deadline, but my recommenders have not yet submitted their responses and I just ordered my official transcripts so they're on the way. Is my application still considered on time?
Please contact your academic department to inquire into their specific guidelines. Some departments will review your application when all requirements are received, while others will consider your application on time if you submitted it before the deadline and the requirements are in transit. Reaching out to your academic department is the best way to ascertain their expectations.

How long should I wait for my application to be processed?   
We ask that you please allow between 7 to 10 business days for processing applications and transcripts.  Processing times may be longer, up to 14 business days, during peak times due to volume, including just before the start of a semester. 

When should I expect a decision?  
Each department varies when they complete application reviews.  Please contact your academic department for more information. 

I entered my card information so why is my application is still showing In Progress?
After you enter your credit card for payment, the last steps include:

  • Type your name for the electronic signature
  • Click the Verify box
  • Click the Submit box 

Your application will show 100% complete and you will see your checklist indicating we have received your application.  

How do I know when a decision has been made on my application?
Your academic department will either email or mail you an admission letter. In addition, you will also receive an email from WMU to the email address you included on your application for admission stating a decision has been made prompting you to log in to the WMU application portal here

What is a Bronco NetID? 
A Bronco NetID serves as your username for all things WMU related! You will use your Bronco NetID and email address for WMU student access-only services, such as registering for classes, reviewing financial aid information, accessing WMU email, and more.

What is a WIN?
A WIN is a student’s Western Identification Number (WIN). To obtain your WIN, log in to the application portal and click on View Your Decision. The WIN is listed in the top right corner of your university admission letter.

When do I get a Bronco NetID?   
For domestic applicants, within 1 to 3 business days of admission by the Graduate College students will receive an email from the Office of Information Technology (WMU OIT Web Apps Admin Team). The email will contain your Bronco NetID and your WMU email address. If you need assistance, please contact the Help Desk (269) 387-4357.  

If you are a current WMU undergraduate student who has been accepted into a graduate program, you will receive a “Connect to GoWMU” email encouraging you to log in to your GoWMU with your existing username and password.

Can I change the program that I am applying to?
This may be possible, but we recommend you discuss this with your academic department before making any changes to your application

What funding opportunities for graduate students exist at WMU?
Funding opportunities are offered primarily through the academic departments, but a few additional sites that could be helpful include:

WMU Graduate College Fellowships and Grants

WMU Graduate College External Funding Sources

Office of Research and Innovation External Funding Sources

WMU Handshake site for on-campus employment opportunities (WMU Bronco NetID and password required)

How do I know what graduate assistantships are available, such as a teaching assistant position?
Each department varies in their graduate assistantship opportunities. Please contact your academic department for information including application details and deadlines.

My program requires the GRE.  How do I submit the scores?
If your program requires the GRE, please request your official scores through Western Michigan University’s school code is 1902.

Does WMU offer GRE or TOEFL test preparation?
The WMU Writing Center provides advice and test preparation for clients taking the Graduate Records Examination(GRE) and the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) exams. Information is available here.

I'm an international applicant. Is there someone who can help me with my application, student visa, transcripts, and other questions?
For prospective international students and applicants, the WMU International Student and Scholar Services website includes information and a list of Frequently Asked Questions for prospective, admitted, and current international students. They can also be reached by email or phone (269) 387-5865. 

What is the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) requirement?
The Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) course is required to comply with requirements from national funding agencies and ensures that all graduate students at WMU are working to the highest possible standards of integrity.

All new master’s and doctoral graduate students must complete the RCR course. Graduate students are automatically enrolled in the course and will receive an introductory email, sent to their WMU email address. There is no fee for the course, and no credit hours are earned. This is a university-wide requirement and is not associated directly with any specific graduate program.

Click here for more information including how to access the RCR course, an overview, and course deadlines.

What happens if I don't complete the RCR requirement by the deadline?
A registration hold will be placed on the student account for those who do not complete the RCR course by the deadline, restricting them from registering for future classes. The hold will be lifted when the course is completed successfully. Need more info? Click here or contact the Course Facilitator at

My recommender has not submitted anything yet. How do I send them a reminder through the application system? 
Please log in to your application portal and click on the appropriate application. The application checklist will be on the right. For each recommender, there are two options:

1) Change Recommender
2) Send Reminder

If you encounter difficulties, please contact us at

Can I replace a recommender? 
In most cases, yes, you can replace the recommender if they have not yet submitted a recommendation for you. Simply log in to your application portal here and click Change Recommender to enter a new name and new email address. 

Will the original recommender know that I swapped them out?
If you replace a recommender with someone else, when the original recommender clicks on the recommendation link, they will receive a message stating that it is no longer valid.

Who should I list as a recommender?  
This varies by academic department. Here are some helpful tips and reminders:

  • This is an important decision because recommendations are an essential component used in combination with the other requirements by the review committee to inform an admission decision.
  • Program-specific requirements may be listed here if instructions from the department have been provided to the Graduate College. If not, we suggest that you carefully select recommenders who know you and are familiar with your work. They will be asked to complete a skillset rating sheet and upload an optional letter of recommendation on your behalf.  
  • Contact your academic department for additional insight.

Can I send a recommender a request prior to clicking Submit on my application? 
Yes, your recommender can submit their responses even before you have completed the application. Upon entering the recommender name and email address into the application system, they will immediately be emailed a link to the recommendation form even if applicants have not yet clicked Submit. 

We do, however, first recommend that students complete all required fields for each recommender. Otherwise, the system will not allow applicants to submit the application or to revise/complete the recommender information after the recommender has submitted their responses.

My recommender could not open the email or complete the rating sheet, but they wrote a letter of recommendation. Is that ok?
That may be acceptable! Please email us at and we will contact your academic department to determine if they will accept the letter of recommendation without the rating sheet. 

If the department responds confirming that they will accept the letter of recommendation only, we ask that your recommender email us with their letter of recommendation to, so we can manually attach it to your application. 

If the department requires the rating sheet in addition to the letter of recommendation, we will email you to let you know and recommend that you either change recommender or obtain a new email address so you can send a new request to your recommender. 

How will I know when a recommender submits the form?   
When you log in to your application portal, you will see the required checklist items listed. A green checkmark indicates the item has been received and a red X indicates the item is outstanding. If any information is missing and you have questions, please email

Do I need to submit a transcript if I graduated with my bachelor’s degree from WMU?
No, applicants who have attended or graduated from WMU do not need to request an official transcript from WMU.

Where do I have my transcripts sent? (For domestic applicants only) 
Official transcripts must be sent directly from the issuing institution to be considered official. Please have official transcripts sent to one of the addresses below. If you are currently completing a degree, your transcript will show work in progress. If you are admitted to a graduate program, you will be required to send a final official transcript showing your degree and the date conferred. 

  1. Email 
    For electronic delivery (fastest processing time), please have the issuing institution email your official transcript to graduate-transcripts@wmich.eduIf your issuing institution does not allow you to select this email address, it is instead likely defaulting to the WMU Undergraduate Office of Admission address which is perfectly acceptable! We can still process your transcript if it is sent there.
  2. Mail
    Western Michigan University
    Graduate College
    1903 W Michigan Ave
    Kalamazoo, MI  49008-5242

I previously applied to WMU. Do you still have my transcripts on file?
If you have previously applied to WMU, we may already have your transcripts on file! Email us at so we can check on that for you. If we have your original transcript(s) on file, you will not need to request a new one unless you completed additional graduate work after we received your previous transcript.  

Do I need to submit official transcripts from every institution I have attended?
Most graduate programs require only the official transcript from the institution where applicants earned their bachelor's degree and where any graduate coursework was completed. 

However, a handful of WMU programs require official transcripts from every institution attended after high school. This varies by department and program so please click here to review the specific requirements for the program to which you are applying. Some programs with additional requirements for transcripts include:

  • Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology master’s and doctoral programs
  • Nursing
  • Occupational Therapy (submit official transcripts from every institution attended after high school to OTCAS application only; the WMU application for admission requires official transcripts from the bachelor's degree-granting institution as well as any institution where graduate credits were earned)
  • Physician Assistant (submit official transcripts from every institution attended after high school to CASPA application only; the WMU application for admission requires official transcripts from the bachelor's degree-granting institution as well as any institution where graduate credits were earned)
  • Physical Therapy (submit official transcripts from every institution attended after high school to PTCAS application only; the WMU application for admission requires official transcripts from the bachelor's degree-granting institution as well as any institution where graduate credits were earned)
  • Public Health
  • Speech Pathology (submit official transcripts from every institution attended after high school to CSDCAS application only; the WMU application for admission requires official transcripts from the bachelor's degree-granting institution as well as any institution where graduate credits were earned)

Do I need to submit a transcript with my graduate program application if I am still working on my bachelor’s degree at my current school? 
Yes, official transcripts are required to complete your application, even if it shows work in progress.  If you are admitted to the program, you will have your issuing institution send a final transcript, showing your degree and the date conferred.