Statistics tutorial videos

The Graduate College has created videos to support our graduate students, providing quick answers to questions at any time – day or night. Visit our events page for upcoming stats workshops.

a photo of Haolai Jiang, doctoral associate for the Graduate Center for Research and Retention. Mr. Jiang is standing against a concreet wall with a sprawling cityscape behind him. Tall skyscrapers are visable, and a large body of water is to the right-hand side of the photo.

Haolai (Lincoln) Jiang, Ph.D. 

Statistics Concepts Video Tutorial

The Graduate Center for Research and Retention now provides an E-learning course: Statistics Concepts Video Tutorial. This tutorial is available to all WMU students and faculty who want to gain an understanding and knowledge of basic statistics concepts. This tutorial is free, self-paced, and moves students from module to module in a logical order that builds skills sequentially. The tutorial was prepared by Haolai (Lincoln) Jiang, Ph.D. student with the WMU Department of Statistics. We acknowledge the expertise of Dr. Magdalena Bugaj, David Nivala, John Mackenzie, and Bradley Morgan in the preparation, design, and delivery of this tutorial.

Instructions for course registration:

  1. Visit and enter Bronco Net ID (username) and password to log in.
  2. Click "Self Registration" on the upper right bar.
  3. Find course "Statistics Concepts Video Tutorial" and register for the course by following the instructions.
  4. After registration, the course name should appear on the E-learning home page.

Haolai (Lincoln) Jiang--pictured above--is a doctoral associate who recently served as a statistical consultant to WMU graduate students conducting research for the doctoral dissertation and master’s thesis through the Graduate College's Graduate Center for Research and Retention.