The information is intended to guide you in completing your degree requirements. It is not intended to substitute for departmental advising! See your departmental advisor to confirm that you have met all the following requirements and to determine what additional departmental requirements may exist.
A program of study (also known as the graduate student permanent program) must be filed in the Records Office. The specialist program of study form is available directly from your department advisor. Please make sure your department has forwarded the original form and any revisions that may have been made.
File a Specialist Project Committee Appointment form with the Coordinator of Theses and Dissertations no later than one week after the committee is formed.
Apply for graduation by the stated deadline. Earlier submission is strongly encouraged; you may change your graduation date at any point after the audit without paying an additional application fee.
April graduation deadline: October 1
June graduation deadline: February 1
Augustgraduation deadline: February 1
Decembergraduation deadline:February 1
Review audit letter for any unmet requirements:
Any incomplete grades must be removed.
If not finishing the degree within the 6-year time limit (5-year limit for students entering a specialist program with a completed master's degree), an extension of time must be sought from the Graduate College extension form.
If completing a specialist project, it must be successfully defended and submitted to the Graduate College by the deadline for graduation submission deadlines.
Must have overall 3.0 GPA to graduate with a specialist degree.
All graduation requirements must be completed within 30 days after date of commencement.
If graduation requirements are not completed by the deadlines, you must change your graduation date by contacting the Office of Graduation Auditing at (269) 387-4300.