Graduate College Internal Contacts Form

The Graduate College maintains a list of primary contacts for each graduate program. It is important that we have up-to-date contact information in order provide you with graduate education updates. The contacts we seek here are chair, graduate program director and graduate coordinator. Please complete the appropriate webform in the drop-down menu below. We ask that you update this form whenever there is a change in your department.

The contacts we seek here are those who engage regularly with the Graduate College and should be included in our Graduate Program Directory. Each category of role is defined below.



This is the faculty member designated as the primary leader of a department's graduate program(s). Some departments use different terms for this role; some departments have more than one faculty member serving in this capacity; and some departments have a staff member designated to perform many of these tasks. Please complete a form for all your program banner codes.

This is the administrative staff who supports graduate programs and students directly.

Chair of the department or director of the unit that houses graduate programs.

Please use this form for other staff/faculty who do not fit into above categories but have primary responsibility in graduate education. We already maintain lists of all faculty with full graduate faculty status, so you do not need to enter these here.

Other Contact

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